According to the latest crime statistics, crimes among non-Germans are on the rise. CDU politician Herbert Reul had a heated debate on “Markus Lanzil” with migration researcher Souad Lamroubal about naming the nationalities of criminals.

New crime statistics in Germany showed a high proportion of juvenile crime and an increase in the number of criminals without German passports. CDU politician Herbert Reul vented his anger on the “Markus Lanz” program when the ZDF presenter asked him to what extent the conflict in the Middle East burdens Germany's internal security. “It has an undeniable meaning,” Reul pointed out sternly. He added: “Conflicts that are happening elsewhere can be reflected here – because there is a mood there, there are Muslims on the move in Germany.”

“Something must have gone wrong in my upbringing.”

Regarding the pro-Palestinian demonstrations in recent months, the CDU politician said: “It probably wouldn't have been unthinkable a few years ago. You often need a reason to activate what's there.” Still, Herbert Reul admitted he was puzzled by the rise in youth crime: “I've never understood why (…) children or… Young people can become radicalized. It probably has something to do with (…) lack of personality. Something went wrong in my upbringing.”

However, migration expert Souad Lamroubal explained: “I notice that many young people are increasingly looking for the topic of identity, that they don't have answers to certain questions. (…) Of course, role models are sought.” According to Lamroubal, the problem is also that “many young people (…) unfortunately cannot identify with this country at all”.

“How can something like this be?”: Lanz reacts in disbelief to the Islamic expert's report

Islamic expert Eren Güvercin considered this a great threat and made it clear that especially politicians now have to ask themselves the question: “How are we going to reach these people anyway? Where do we lose touch with these young people?” At the same time, Güvercin lashed out at the government, which has been monitoring radical organizations like the Islamic Center Hamburg (IZH) for 30 years but doing nothing. And this despite the fact that IZH in particular is considered a propaganda center of the Tehran regime in Germany. “There is simply no political will to draw conclusions,” the expert concluded. Instead, he added angrily, the issue was swept under the rug for years.

Markus Lanz asked in disbelief, “How can something like this be?” Eren Güvercin responded that the political restraint was an attempt “not to offend Iran”. “Economic interests play a role here, as do foreign policy interests,” suspected Güvercin, who warned of a “rude awakening” that would be inevitable with a political strategy of “change through proximity.” Herbert Reul partly agreed with this and cautiously added: «Usually when there is a real fire, we react. I think it's a problem, but I don't want to blame anyone, because I think it's a problem that crosses party lines (…).”

“It's nonsense!”: CDU man Reul argues with migration expert Lanz

Herbert Reul further explained how difficult it is to deal with migration and foreigner crime when he explained how much backlash he had to face with concepts such as “clan crime”: “They attacked me migration expert Souad Lamroubal , he did not fully understand the politician's anger and instead complained that the new crime statistics differentiate between Germans and non-Germans.

Reul responded energetically: “Because people don't talk about it and are afraid that they might hurt someone wrongly, (…) it gets worse and worse. I made a conclusion for myself: I'm talking about it now – at the risk of stigmatizing people who are not affected at all.” It makes sense for the CDU man to name the nationalities of all criminals in general.

On the other hand, Souad Lamroubal raged emotionally: “This is nonsense! (…) If we were to name nations now, we would have even more prejudices.

However, a migration expert weighed in: “If you name nationalities, it leads to the same effect. Herbert Reul saw it differently and explained that the AfD no longer has the argument “Reul and politics and the country.” hides problems. (…) These elements of the conspiracy is a damn thing. When we're talking about reality, I can tell the difference.