Iran's attack on Israel appears to have failed across the board. Not only thanks to the anti-aircraft defenses, but also thanks to the support of the allies.

Rockets in the Israeli night sky.

Israel's air defense largely repelled Iranian attacks: photo from central Israel on Sunday night Photo: ap

SEDAN taz | According to the Israeli military, a staggering “99 percent” of the missiles Iran fired at Israel over the weekend were intercepted. “Almost all” of the more than 300 drones and missiles have been disabled, US President Joe Biden said. If these statements are correct, then the Iranian attack can be seen as a major failure for the Tehran regime and a historic success for Israel. The country not only received support from its allies, but was also able to protect itself with various missile defense systems.

The Arrow-3 defense system, which intercepts long-range missiles, played a central role. So did the ballistic missiles fired by Iran. The Arrow system can intercept long-range missiles at an altitude of 100 kilometers, that is, in early space. This means that the warheads are destroyed without causing any damage to the ground. This is the system that Germany would also like to buy from Israel in order to defend itself against a Russian attack.

In addition to the Arrow-3, Israel has other systems, including David's Sling, which intercepts medium-range missiles like those used by Hezbollah in Lebanon, and the most famous of Israel's defense systems: the Iron Dome. The latter specializes in firing mortar shells and short-range rockets, up to 70 kilometers. It consists of radar systems and launch platforms. It calculates projectile trajectories and fires interceptor missiles when threatened. It is said to have shot down thousands of rockets since it was activated in 2011, including in recent months during the war against Hamas and Hezbollah.

But despite the latest technology, Israel's defensive shield cannot neutralize all projectiles. Several cruise missiles and ballistic missiles hit Israeli territory on Sunday night. The Nevatim air base in the south was hit, but according to Israeli sources it suffered only minor damage. It is still in operation.

Notable: Jordan's role

The Iranian regime presents it differently: “The operation was carried out successfully,” army chief Mohammed Bagheri said on Sunday. According to his information, which should be considered with caution since 99 percent of the missiles intercepted, no civilian targets were attacked. The main concern was to attack targets related to the assassination of an Iranian Revolutionary Guard commander in an attack on the Iranian consulate building in Syria on April 1: on the one hand, an Israeli intelligence center that had supposedly provided information, and on the other On the other hand, the Nevatim base. From there the fighter planes took off towards Damascus. “Both centers have suffered significant damage and have been rendered non-operational,” Bagheri said.

Israel's allies were also important in repelling the Iranian attack. US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin spoke of dozens of missiles that the US military had repelled, mainly over Jordan and Iraq. In recent days, the United States has ordered additional military aircraft and destroyers to the region. British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said British warplanes shot down “several” drones. It was initially unclear whether French airmen also participated or whether France only provided logistical support. The Israeli army praised France's role.

It is noteworthy that Jordan also defended Israel. The army is said to have intercepted dozens of projectiles. It is said that parts fell from the sky; Videos of this spread online. Jordan established relations with Israel in the 1990s. However, public solidarity with the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and anti-Israel sentiment in the country are high, so leaders are under pressure.