The ships USS Mobile, JS Akebono, HMAS Warramunga, BRP Antonio Luna and BRP Valentine Diaz off the Philippine coast on Sunday
Image: AFP

Resistance is forming against Beijing's behavior in the South China Sea. According to one report, even pacifist Japan could join in a military pact with the US.

Et was a new kind of multinational phalanx of warships making their way through the South China Sea. An American coastal defense ship, a Japanese destroyer as well as an Australian frigate and two Philippine military ships sailed through the water in formation.

Till Fähnders

Political correspondent for South and Southeast Asia and Australia.

Tim Kanning

Correspondent for economics and politics in Japan based in Tokyo.

According to the four defense ministers, with their first joint naval and air exercise in the disputed maritime area on Sunday, they wanted to set an example for a “free and open Indo-Pacific region”. The formulation can be read as a hidden reference to China, which is trying to assert its sovereignty claims in the area with ever greater brutality.