An idol for many to this day – not just in Poland: Pope John Paul II.
Image: Picture Alliance

The Vatican has listed 13 “serious violations” of human dignity. Abortion is in seventh place. Surrogacy is also condemned. During gender changes, the tone becomes more moderate.

DThe church cannot only concern itself with abortion, homosexual marriages and contraceptive methods. This sentence from Pope Francis in September 2013 still haunts him today. Those who agreed with the strict biopolitical course under his predecessors John Paul II and Benedict XVI. quarreled, it appeared as a promise. It was a threat to those who saw uncompromising opposition to abortion as a central church mission.

At least if you take the pronouncements of the authority for religious doctrine as a benchmark, the Vatican has largely adhered to his dictum in the past eleven years since Francis took office: it has not published a single more detailed document on abortion, and only one letter on bioethical issues for euthanasia in September 2020.