Princess Kate is the most popular member of the British royal family, according to a recent survey. The 42-year-old woman revealed her cancer diagnosis two and a half weeks ago. Polling firm Yougov said on Tuesday that 76 percent of those polled in the UK had a positive view of the future queen. This is two points more than the survey conducted last February.

Kate replaces her husband Prince William (41) at the top.

Kate replaced her husband Prince William (41) at the top, whose approval rating fell from 77 percent to 73 percent. In addition, 21 percent now have a negative view of the heir to the throne, a five-point increase compared to February. 16 percent see Kate negatively, previously it was 15 percent.

Kensington Palace announced in mid-January that the princess, born Catherine Middleton, had undergone elective abdominal surgery and would be out for months. Despite this announcement, speculation and conspiracy theories about Kate's absence soon grew. On March 22, the palace released a video in which the mother of three announced her cancer diagnosis and said she was undergoing chemotherapy as a precaution. It is currently unknown when he will appear in public again.

The king's approval declines

Kate's father-in-law, King Charles III, also has cancer. (75) is in fourth place with an approval rating of 63 per cent – down four points – behind her sister Princess Anne, 73, who has 71 per cent. His sixth-ranked wife, Queen Camilla (76), is positively evaluated by exactly half of those surveyed.

Charles' younger son Prince Harry (39) and his wife Duchess Meghan (42), who have left the royal family and quarreled with their family, are viewed positively by only 31 and 26 percent of those polled, respectively. Charles' youngest brother, Prince Andrew (64), is last in the list of families: 86 percent have a bad opinion of the scandal-ridden royal family.

Last in the list of families is Charles' youngest brother, Prince Andrew

Basically, especially younger people tend to have a negative view of the royal family. Only a third (32 percent) of 18-24-year-olds approve of the monarchy, compared to nearly 80 percent of over-65s.

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