Knossos and his girlfriend Lia Mitrou

German entertainer Jens “Knossi” Knossalla, who likes to call himself the “King of the Internet” and performs with Krone, can already look back on an impressive career as a live streamer, poker commentator and participant in various media formats. Jens now has 1.8 million followers on Instagram (as of April 2024, Knoss seems to be doing well in his personal life too: he's married to influencer Lia Mitrou).

In the fall of 2022, Knoss publicized his relationship with Mitrou. The age difference between the couple is eleven years.

223,000 followers now (as of April 2024) follow the life of a young woman who mainly publishes beauty and fashion content on Instagram.

In Panama in the survival format “7 vs. Wild', Knossi repeatedly mentioned his girlfriend and emphasized how much he misses her and looks forward to seeing her again. He also spoke of an agreement that Lia would fly to Panama to meet him only if he lived on the island for a full seven days, a prospect that motivated him to continue his fight.

Knoss' ex-wife Tamara

Before his relationship with Lia Mitrou, Knossi had already been married for seven years. The multitalent's other ex-girlfriends are not publicly known.

According to various claims, Tamara met Knoss when she was only 16 years old. They got married in Las Vegas in 2013.

In 2019, their son Elia was born, whom Knossi often calls Bubi.

In 2020, Knossi announced the couple's separation in one of his live broadcasts, which came as a surprise to many fans. He gave the reason that Tamara no longer had feelings for him, but they had parted on good terms and still wanted to be together for the sake of their son Elia.

Tamara Knossalla is now a streamer herself. In 2022, it was headlined that she referred to her ex-husband as “Lucifer” in one of her streams. However, in a later statement, he clarified that it was only meant as a joke. His ex-girlfriend is newly married to Dirk Ready since July 2023.