Pop star Anita Hofmann suffered from anorexia and bulimia for many years. Now he weighed only 43 kilos.

Anita Hofmann appeared on stage with her sister Alexandra in the role of the hit duo “Geschwister Hofmann” for many years. Now he is also enjoying success as a solo artist. But his successful music career had its downsides. In an interview with “Bild”, Anita now talks about how much she suffered in the spotlight and what health problems she had to deal with in recent years. Not only did he suffer from a particularly severe form of neurodermatitis, but the 46-year-old also suffered from anorexia and bulimia.

Anita Hofmann: “I felt alienated from my environment”

“I suffered from excruciating neurodermatitis, which disfigured my body,” Anita admitted on “Bild”. “I should and had to be beautiful and at the same time fight diseases that made me disfigured, ugly and weak.”

But not only health problems tested Anita. There were also tensions in the duo with his sister Alexandra. “I felt alienated from my environment and therefore had deep self-doubt, which had a negative effect on my body and well-being,” he explained to Bild. “I couldn't apply my creative ideas in our duo because my sister Alexandra didn't give me much space for that. I was repressed because of my appearance and so often I heard the phrase 'just be beautiful!'

Anita Hofmann: “Freedom and self-confidence became a toxic mixture for me”

The singer also spoke openly about her eating disorders, which eventually resulted in bulimia. “Low freedom and low self-confidence became a toxic mix for me, which eventually led to an eating disorder. When I looked in the mirror, I didn't see a skinny 90-pound person, I still saw my imaginary weak spots,” she revealed. “There was this terrible voice inside me that starved me and tortured me when I ate a little more food.”

After eight agonizing years, Anita finally found relief for her neurodermatitis with laser therapy and overcame her anorexia. Today, the singer can take part in a normal life again and has recovered her health. “The last few years have been like liberation. “I got rid of my annoying illnesses and now I can take part in everyday life normally,” he told “Bild”. The relationship with his sister has also become much closer now that they are both pursuing their careers.