Jimi Blue Ochsenknecht has a fight with his sister and mother. But one family member still stays by his side.

The house blessing of the Ochsenknecht family has gone wrong for several months. Jimi Blue, his sister Cheyenne and his mother Natascha have an argument. There should even be radio silence in between. The mother and daughter talk openly about the trouble with the 32-year-old man in their reality show “Need Ochsenknechts”.

But not all family members are having a hard time with Jimi Blue right now. His big brother Wilson Gonzalez has now revealed in an interview with RTL that he wants to stay away from controversy.

Wilson Gonzalez Ochsenknecht still meets regularly with Jimi Blue

“I'm in contact with Jim. “We're on good terms with each other and talk to each other every few days,” Wilson explains in an interview with RTL. The brother and sister regularly go out to eat together and apparently continue to get along well.

However, the 33-year-old does not want to act as a mediator between quarreling family members: “I will also stay out of it. I don't want to get involved. I have nothing to do with it. My focus is elsewhere.” Nevertheless, the eldest Ochsenknecht child would like peace to return to family life. For Wilson, it would be the “dream” of all family members to get along well again.

Wilson Gonzalez Ochsenknecht criticizes Jim Blue

But while there is no quarrel between the two brothers, Wilson does not hold back from criticizing Jim on a certain subject. He has been the father of a young daughter for two years. However, Jim has no contact with Snow, who lives with her mother, Yeliz Koc.

“When you bring a child into the world, you should take care of them,” Wilson says in the new season of “These Ochsenknechts.” However, he is sure that as long as Jimi is with his fiancee Laura-Marie Geissler, the current situation will not change: “It will last as long as Laura is in Jimi's life.”