Not only the traffic light coalition, but especially Chancellor Olaf Scholz has been criticized for several months. In addition to his lack of communication, he is also accused of lacking leadership skills and initiative. Even within the SPD, Scholz is now reportedly turning more and more critics against him.

However, with “Markus Lanzi”, SPD General Secretary Kevin Kühnert firmly supported the chancellor and resolutely defended himself against any criticism. And this despite the fact that Scholz himself said a few days ago in Brussels: “First of all, I have to admit that there is no consensus in the government.”

“I have not heard anything from the SPD in this context”

Especially when it comes to economic issues, the traffic lights do not seem to find a common course. Although Christian Lindner and Robert Habeck both said that Germany is no longer competitive, there is no common solution in sight. “Mr. Lindner wants to lower taxes and Mr. Habeck wants a special fund and thus new debts. “I haven't heard anything from the SPD in this context,” journalist Daniel Sturm said reproachfully.

Economist Veronika Grimm added in this context that politicians must now clearly communicate that Germany must prepare for difficult times due to the economic situation: “We are in a time where we need a lot of reforms and political effort to get out of trouble again. . And that means people have to accept the cuts.

Entrepreneur Martina Nighswonger: “There will be cuts”

Entrepreneur Martina Nighswonger agreed and demanded that politicians now sit down and come up with a “master plan”. “Take people with you – explain it. There will be cuts.” The entrepreneur added critically: “Just promise that everything will be fine – Mr. Kühnert, don't hold me against it – but it won't work.”

The General Secretary of the SPD quickly defended himself: “But no one allowed it! (…) If such an impression is created, I take it seriously.” In this context, Lanz criticized the Chancellor's vague communication style and wanted to know who is responsible for slogans like “Doppelwumms” and “You never walk alone”. “I don't feel like I'm taken seriously as a citizen when someone talks to me in such comical language,” said the ZDF presenter.

Lanz criticizes empty slogans – Kühnert defends himself

Kühnert, however, was reluctant to take the blame and suggested that at the start of the corona pandemic, “the term ‘oomph’ was the least of Germany’s problems.” Still, Lanz criticized the fact that political slogans like “You never walk alone” need to be filled with substance.

Kühnert also firmly defended himself against this: “”You can't go it alone” (…) of course does not mean that we live in a doll's house and nothing changes. This is a classic social-democratic promise, and we mean it very seriously, that the current crises do not simply sweep over society as a force of nature and the politically responsible people say: “It's none of our business, we didn't do it. Cause it!”

Kevin Kühnert: “Now we're going to wrestle a little”

Although Kevin Kühnert repeatedly supported Olaf Scholz, journalist Daniel Sturm soberly stated: «Apparently Mr. Kühnert also admits that the chancellor has a communication problem. He just communicates very poorly, if at all.

Lanz has enough reason to ask the general secretary of the SPD whether Olaf Scholz is currently damaging the party's image or vice versa. The SPD politician answered directly: “Neither. The chancellor and his party are pulling together. It means that we jointly share the problems that we have. And when we celebrate successes, we celebrate them together.

Lanz remains speechless at Kühnert's statements: “You don't believe it yourself!”

This statement left the ZDF presenter visibly speechless. He criticized Kühnert's statement that the “Chancellor and the SPD” are “pulling together” and angrily specified: “You don't believe it yourself! You also know that's not true at all. Then why do they say that?” At the same time, Kühnert did not realize the guilt and asked in surprise, “Why can't it be so? Tell me that!”

When Lanz addressed both the misery of political communication regarding the farmers' protests and the conflicting claims about the industrial electricity price, Kühnert pointed out indignantly: “You can say that we stand in solidarity with each other even if we have different opinions on a matter of fact. .”

However, Lanz didn't give up and continued to investigate internal debates about the industrial electricity price. “Your chancellor doesn't want that,” the moderator argued. Kühnert reacted with surprise again: “How did you come up with that? (…) Do you have a statement from him that you would like to share with me that I don't already know?

“Now let's do some practical wrestling”

The ZDF presenter then clarified and made it clear that SPD members such as Lars Klingbeil had clearly reported internal struggles with Olaf Scholz. The statement that made Kühnert furious: “Mr. Lanz, really! Now let's touch on some rhetoric!”

The moderator was not deterred by this and repeatedly asked what the “Chancellor's position” was. However, the SPD General Secretary looked stubborn and simply said, “I already understood what you were trying to achieve with this show today.” Lanz instantly replied, “Yes, management!”