Micaela Schäfer (40) is a welcome guest at celebrity events: the “naked snail” collects up to 3,000 euros per appearance. A nice amount comes together – and yet Micaela has to save and even has 1.5 million euros in debt. In an interview with RTL, he explained how it happened.

Micaela Schäfer: “Then let's look at the money”

Micaela Schäfer gained notoriety 12 years ago by participating in Jungle Camp – and it should pay off. To this day, the model earns well, owns four apartments and is currently building her own home. Nevertheless, she admits to “RTL”: “Things are not going well for me at all. I can't just afford a vacation now. It's not possible, I don't have money. Even a girl's night is difficult for me. Then people look at the money.” But why does Micaela have to pay so much attention to her spending? The 40-year-old woman explains that she set her priorities and invested. The right decision for her, even if she now has to pay back 1.5 million euros: “I'm just smart,” says Micaela cheerfully.However, it is not yet certain that the plan will work: “I have to make a lot of money for many, many years so that my structure does not collapse,” she explains.

Cosimo Citiolo is wasting his money

Jungle camp gives participating stars a career boost. Cosimo Citiolo (42) also benefits from his participation to this day. But the “Neckar checker” is not quite as frugal as Micaela, she does not want to take precautions: “I don't do anything like that. I invest in what I need today. Today I want good food, so I invest in good food. Today I want to buy a hot sweater. Then I'll buy myself a warm sweater.”