The Israeli army has freed two of the remaining hostages in Rafah, southern Gaza. Meanwhile, rockets are flying from Yemen.

An Israeli soldier walks past posters of the hostages.

The idea of ​​hostages is always present in daily Israeli life. Photo: Susana Vera/rtr

Hostages kidnapped from Kibbutz Nir Yitzhak released

The Israeli military said it freed two hostages overnight in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip in a joint operation with the Shin Bet domestic intelligence service and special police unit.

The two men, Fernando Simon Marman, 60, and Louis Hare, 70, were kidnapped by Hamas from Kibbutz Nir Yitzhak on October 7 and taken to Sheba Hospital in Israel. They are in good condition, said Army spokesman Richard Hecht.

The men were rescued from the second floor of a building, leading to an intense exchange of gunfire.

At the same time, an airstrike was carried out to allow the special forces to withdraw, Hecht said. According to eyewitnesses, planes, tanks and ships took part in the attacks. The army had previously said, without giving further details, that it had carried out a series of attacks in the southern Gaza Strip that had now ended. According to local health authorities, at least 37 Palestinians have died so far. (rtr)

Another ship attacked off the coast of Yemen

According to British authorities, a ship was attacked again south of the Yemeni coast. The British Maritime Trading Authority (UKMTO) said on Monday that the attack was carried out with two missiles. “The crew is safe and the ship continues to the next port of call,” she said.

Yemen's Houthi rebels have attacked merchant ships in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden in recent months. The Houthi militia sees itself as part of the pro-Iran “Axis of Resistance” in the Middle East war directed against Israel. Since December, warships from an international coalition led by the United States have been trying to secure the route along the Yemeni coast.

The EU is planning its own mission called “Aspides.” Germany wants to participate in the mission with the frigate “Hessen”, which set sail from Wilhelmshaven on Thursday. (afp)

A CDU delegation travels to Israel

On the occasion of the trip of the CDU leader, Friedrich Merz, to the Middle East, the Union's foreign affairs expert, Jürgen Hardt (CDU), expressed his understanding for Israel's actions in the Gaza Strip. In the south of the Palestinian territory, not only the refugees have withdrawn, but also “the Hamas terrorists,” Hardt said on Monday in ARD. During his trip, Merz “certainly” will not demand that Israel have to accept a “terrorist nest” on the Israeli border, the foreign politician argued.

Merz is traveling to Israel as part of a delegation trip from the CDU/CSU parliamentary group. There she will meet with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for political talks on Monday. She is also scheduled to meet with President Isaac Herzog and Foreign Minister Israel Katz, as well as with opposition leader Jair Lapid. (dpa)