NFL expert Björn Werner is almost completely excluded from the Super Bowl broadcast on the Cologne private station. The former professional footballer now makes his discontent clear on the “Football Bromance” podcast.

NFL expert Björn Werner is angry with RTL because they did not use him in the Super Bowl as expected. The former NFL pro, who played for the Indianapolis Colts from 2013 to 2015, explained it on the “Football Bromance” podcast with Patrick “Coach” Esume.

NFL pundit Björn Werner angry after being ejected from Super Bowl

“To be honest, I was sad. Because, of course, I wanted to tell you about the game,” Werner explained. Before the game, RTL made it clear to him that he would not comment on the game between the Kansas City Chiefs and the San Francisco 49ers.

“A week ago, RTL told us all what the plan was for the Super Bowl. It was said that I would be part of the pre-match program, but that I would not commentate during the match, but rather I would go to Mitja's booth and from there I would join the broadcast.

But nothing came of it. Werner was with the community host Mitja Lafere the entire time, but he was neither seen nor heard. Many NFL fans on social media were wondering where Werner was. Others worried that he was unwell.

“Unfortunately I was not as involved as I was told”

Werner was part of the preliminary report. After that she didn't appear again. “When the match started I took my place with Mitja. Unfortunately I did not participate in the program as I was told,” Werner complained on “Football Bromance.”

“I'm leaving it like that now because I don't want to do anything bigger with this. So you know, I'm fine and it wasn't my fault. Everything else will be discussed internally,” said Werner, who since this season has been part of the NFL team at the private station in Cologne, which has been broadcasting the NFL free-to-air for a year.

“Sometimes it is between two different games that one is not happy. Then you may have to look for conversation. RTL knows what I think and what I feel. I told him openly and honestly,” Werner said.

By Dirk Adam
