Thore Redepenning in front of the demo poster that he hung up in his home.
Image: Jens Gyarmaty

Thore Redepenning is 63, a cook and family man. He lives in a village in Brandenburg. In the interview he explains why he was at his first demo and why he didn't sleep well afterwards.

Mr. Redepenning, you are 63 and recently went to a demonstration for the first time in your life. Why?

I don't know, there's been a lot of pressure in the last few years. Especially here in my area in Brandenburg. There was more and more to be heard about Reich citizens, neo-Nazis, and the success of the AfD. One has the impression that it is growing everywhere. I'm afraid of the number of these people. When this movement began, with large demonstrations for democracy in Berlin and many other cities, I said to myself: Finally the middle is moving, and I want to be part of it.