'Keep the money as a finder's reward': Purse theft: Cathy Hummels gets a nasty surprise in Miami

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Cathy Hummels actually wanted to relax a little in the Sunshine State. After some mishaps and chaotic situations in Miami, the drive home brings her to the limit: Cathy's purse is stolen at the airport.

Roller skating on the beach, shopping at the mall or even emigrating forever? Arriving in the Sunshine State, Cathy Hummels was able to enjoy her last days in paradise and experience one adventure after another. Despite the many offers, the influencer continued his work duties in the USA and continued working on his projects from there. But relaxation was also not overlooked – a picnic on the beach, a bike ride in the bright sunshine and dinner in a luxury restaurant. She always takes her fans on Instagram and regularly shares her experiences in the form of photos and videos. Nor does he neglect his misadventures in his detailed reports:

Cathy's misadventures in Miami never end

Cathy had to digest the first disaster in the first hours of the trip to the USA. After Hummels became a victim of phishing (the theft of personal information, such as for the purpose of office robbery), she warned her followers about the scam: “Be careful, because of the incident, Cathy traveled without her credit.” cards and only $100 in cash to Miami.

To make matters worse, the following shock followed soon after: “First phishing and now I'm losing my cell phone today. I have no idea if it's jet lag?”, asks the influencer. The shock didn't last long though, as luckily his phone was found in the gym. There were a few mishaps in the days that followed—lost keys, going to a club barefoot—but Cathy didn't let it ruin her vacation.

But that's not all: on the way back to Germany, the next evil!

Cathy Hummel's purse went missing at the Miami airport

Arriving at the airport, Cathy appears in the elevator with four large suitcases and several bags. “We arrived with so much luggage. “Most of what I bought was my favorite chewing gum and things for my son,” confirms the blonde. But the wait to return to the Sunshine State seems to have evaporated on the plane. She tells her fans the reason on Instagram:

“I just realized that I lost my wallet at the airport or it was stolen. So, there really is a worm. That means my wallet or pencil case is wandering around the Miami airport somewhere right now.

And further: “If anyone sees this, give it to Lufthansa or Lost & Found.” It's a brown purse with “Mama” written on it. All his personal data can be found in the case documents – including his ID card and driver's license. Just before that, the wallet in question can be seen in a video of Hummels at the airport. Cathy continues to ask the finder, “Keep the money as a finder's reward, but I need my personal information.”

Hummels is sure: the wallet was stolen

Even after landing in Germany, there is no good news for the 36-year-old man: “Unfortunately, my wallet was not found. This means that now not only are my two credit cards broken, but also my ID, driver's license, insurance card, and the last credit card I could have used at least at an ATM.

The blonde now assumes that her wallet was stolen from her pocket. Therefore, Cathy now wants to file a petition and remains in contact with the responsible authorities in Miami for the time being. In general, he wants positive memories of his vacation in the USA, even if only his passport arrived with him in Munich.

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This article “Purse theft: Cathy Hummels gets a nasty surprise in Miami” was originally from BUNTE.de.