Stefan Raab disappeared from the scene for almost 10 years. Now she's back and she's back in the ring against Regina Halmich. Evelyn Burdecki also wants to participate in the boxing match.

Since his last TV appearance in December 2015, Stefan Raab (57) has withdrawn from the public eye and there have been no recent pictures. Recently, however, the news created a buzz: Raab became active again on Instagram and the video created enthusiasm among fans. The moderator promised that if he gets nine million followers in three days, he will appear in front of the camera again.

Although his followers worked hard, the entertainer did not reach the target number of followers with only 2.8 million users following him on the platform. But the fans were not disappointed even without reaching the goal. Raab announced: She will step back into the ring and fight former boxer Regina Halmich, 47, on September 14. Some celebrities don't want to miss this remarkable event.

Evelyn Burdecki: “Even I could get points in ESC through her”

TV star Evelyn Burdecki, 35, is also an enthusiastic Raab fan and would like to support the entertainer in his fight. She is enthusiastic on Instagram and offers her help to Stefani: “Woah awesome!!! When the fight comes, I'm the number girl.”

As the 35-year-old later revealed to “”, he was a Stefan Raab “fan from the beginning”. “We're already negotiating bikinis. Fun!” In the past, however, he was allowed to work for him in some productions. Cool guy!” The real-life actor also shares only warm words about his idol: “Through him, even I would get points in the ESC, and definitely not because of my musical talent, but because of his genius, absurdity and ” To turn funny incidents into highlights.”

A curious offer from Katja Krasavic

In addition to Evelyn Burdeck and Sophia Thomalla (34), another lady has decided to support the star of “Schlag den Raab” and with full physical effort! “DSDS” star and rapper Katja Krasavice (27) wants to help Stefan win with unusual offers and offers him “free lifetime access” to her OnlyFans if he wins.

This article “Evelyn Burdeck volunteers as a 'number girl' for boxing matches” was originally from