Monika Hohlmeier, daughter of CSU icon Franz Josef Strauss and a seasoned EU parliamentarian, is currently fighting for her health in a clinic in Munich. “Bild” covers the dramatic circumstances due to which the 61-year-old politician has to face a serious medical examination.

Since 2009, Member of the European Parliament Monika Hohlmeier suffers from a complex metabolic disorder and a severe autoimmune reaction. This acute disease affects several vital organs, especially the pancreas and thyroid. Doctors at the Munich University Hospital are currently stabilizing his condition.

“Health or election campaign”

In order to be able to fully focus on his health, Hohlmeier consciously decided not to continue his political activities: “The doctors clearly told me: health or election campaign. “I chose health,” he explains to “Bild”. Her break could last up to eight weeks – and it comes at a particularly bad time as she is currently in the heat of the campaign ahead of the June 9 European Parliament elections. Hohlmeier actually attends up to 14 meetings a day now.

But health comes first – “You can't do such a vital process in a day between performances in the beer tent and countless meetings,” explained Hohlmeier. Your therapy will include a customized diet and exercise therapy.

Monika Hohlmeier: “It could have turned out quite differently”

Nevertheless, Monika is now happy about the possibility of healing: “It could have gone completely differently!” He participated in the election campaign appearances last Saturday, although he was already feeling poorly. Hohlmeier suffered severe pain that affected his entire body. Finally, the clinic diagnosed problems not only with the thyroid gland and pancreas, but also with the kidneys. He had similar health problems in the mid-1990s, including kidney failure and a derailed thyroid caused by Hashimoto's autoimmune disease.

Hohlmeier has been struggling with health problems for a long time. “I have been incredibly tired for several months. I haven't eaten, tasted coffee or alcohol in the last few weeks. I would have preferred to just sleep. Now on Monday I felt so bad that the internist sent me straight to the emergency room at the university hospital. I couldn't move anymore and felt like someone would have knocked me out. My whole immune system collapsed,” Hohlmeier gives an overview of his life.

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