The German ice hockey team showed itself in good shape for the first time in the third preparation match for the World Cup. The world runner-up won convincingly 7:3 (2:2, 3:1, 2:0) against Slovakia on Thursday in Kaufbeuren. Previously there had been two defeats against the Czech Republic. However, the good performance was slightly overshadowed by the cancellation of the World Cup by NHL star Tim Stützle. The Ottawa Senators forward will miss the May 10-26 title games in the Czech Republic due to a shoulder injury.

The second match against the Slovaks will be played on Saturday in Augsburg (17:00/MagentaSport). The 2002 world champion will also be the first opponent of national coach Harold Kreis's team in the World Cup on May 10.

DEB's selection improved significantly, especially on offense.

DEB's selection improved significantly, especially on offense. In a turbulent first third, Straubing's Joshua Samanski (2nd minute) and ERC Ingolstadt's Wojtek Stachowiak (16th minute) scored for the DEB team. The visitors were successful thanks to Róbert Lantoši (9th minute) and Oliver Okuliar (12th minute).

After goals from Samuel Soramies of Augsburg Panther (27th) and Parker Toumie of Straubing when they were outnumbered, Germany took a 4-2 lead in 49 seconds. No matter how strong the DEB team was in front of the opposing goal, it was still vulnerable in defense. With his second goal, Lantoši beat Cologne goalkeeper Tobias An? I? Ka and reduced the score to 3: 4 (30th). Justin Schütz, DEL's regular season top scorer, gave the team another two-goal lead with his goal (36th).

In the final third, Daniel Fischbuch from Mannheim (42nd) and Marc Michaelis from the Swiss club EV Zug (56th) scored the final score 7:3.
