The Green Party parliamentary group has criticized Thuringia's refugee policy in recent years. The fact that it has not yet been possible to really improve the situation in the initial reception center in Suhl, for example, is an “example of poverty, but for an entire country,” said the president of the Green parliamentary group, Astrid. Rothe. -Beinlich, on Tuesday after a meeting with his faction in Weimar.

However, not everything in immigration policy has gone wrong in recent years. “Absolutely”. However, the situation of many immigrants in Thuringia is nowhere near what it should be from the Greens' perspective. The Greens have been Migration Ministers in the red-red-green state government since 2014.

The Greens demand better care for refugees

In Weimar, the Greens passed a resolution calling for the establishment of a genuine culture of welcoming immigrants in Thuringia. They also demand that refugees living in initial reception centers have enough food at all times and receive good medical and social care.

In Germany and Thuringia people could only be welcomed if society opened up to them. “The reality is that integration is not a one-way street,” the newspaper states.

Rothe-Beinlich complains about the situation in the initial reception centers

Regarding the situation in the first reception centers in the country, but also the possibilities of integration of refugees in Thuringia, Rothe-Beinlich stated: “This cannot continue like this.”

Suhl was overcrowded for a long time, a second center in Hermsdorf is located in a room and, according to the federal government, does not meet the requirements for refugees to stay for a longer period of time. From the end of 2023, the Ministry of Migration is no longer responsible for hosting asylum seekers, but the Ministry of the Interior led by the SPD.

Rothe-Beinlich addressed the distribution of responsibilities for refugee accommodation between the Ministry of Migration, the Ministry of the Interior and the State Administration Office. “That was a big problem from the beginning.” The state administration “in fact did not let the Ministry of Migration say anything.”