When it comes to star cuisine, it's consistent: as a self-proclaimed “Star Wars” fan, Patrick (44) in the Rhine-Main area of ​​”The Perfect Dinner” (VOX) decorates his table with cult objects, true to his motto. An almost exclusively male group likes it. Only Cassandra, 53, admits: “I would do it differently.”

When asked, “What kind of competitors do you want?” “Chief Stewardess” Cassandra doesn't have to think twice: “Tall, blonde, muscular.” Daniel (41) relies more on attitude: “Just no civility or anything like that.” At the beginning of the “perfect dinner” in the Rhine-Main region, the happy Hessians in Hanau meet a real fan for the first time: Patrick (44) is not only devoted to his favorite universe in terms of T-shirts. In addition to Eintracht Frankfurt (“The club of my heart and trust”), it is the world of “Star Wars”: “I am my child there.”

The project manager lives out this passion in the construction of the fair, especially in terms of table decorations: on the table there are all kinds of goods and game figures in all kinds of galactic scenarios. As the only woman (“Aha, chicken in a basket”) of the group of five, Cassandra would definitely do “differently”: “But I'm also a girl,” said the 53-year-old.

You don't realize that she is already a two-year-old grandmother in the always youthfully giggling Purserette (“I'm already a bundle of energy in the morning”) in her pink and red outfit. The host, on the other hand, relies on convenience. Having been married to her husband since 2011, the marriage proposal was not quite a spectacle: “One day we were sitting on the sofa, we were bored and we were thinking what to do. Then the idea came – get married!”

Philipp puts a lot more effort into his menu:

  • Motto: Dinner among the stars
  • Appetizer: beetroot / ricotta / sage / walnuts / wild herbs
  • Main course: ox / gin / spinach / radicchio / polenta
  • Dessert: pumpkin seeds / semolina / pear / vanilla / tonka bean

“Are those cheeks or bottoms?”: The guests are on the fence

Among other things, the appetizer includes “stuffed beetroot praline” and “threads”, which Cassandra asks for. “It's a fried leek,” Patrick explains, “You've never had it before!” “Why should you?” comes the comment of Philipp (44): “I chewed it for a long time and I don't feel wow. effect.” He has it rather bull-cheeked: “Smooth as butter!”

“Are those cheeks or bottom?” Cassandra and Faruk (49) have to think about it first. Patrick stewed them (i.e. the cheeks) in gin anyway: “Then they get a slight aroma of spruce – like a sauna soak.” Unfortunately, it was wasted on Faruk (49): “I don't feel the taste. “Sößchen with me,” says Daniel (41) approvingly. For Cassandra, a vegetarian, there is a mushroom dish with boletus sauce. The “extra sausage” has been well received: “I need the recipe!”

Dessert is also very popular: “Tonka beans have an aphrodisiac effect,” says expert Philipp. “Is that so?” Daniel also shows interest – only to be sobered up by the pumpkin seed oil ice cream: “Not my taste, but the color is cool.” Philipp, on the other hand, is “too confused” by diversity. dessert plate. At the end of a successful induction dinner (Daniel: “Thankfully, there are no alumni”), there's a solid 33 points and a wise quote from Cassandra's granddaughter: “If you had fun, you've already won.”

The original article “Perfect Dinner” Host Decorates Table With “Star Wars” Fan Items” came from Teleschau.