Nico Legat is causing a stir on this season of “Celebrities Separated”. First, Thorsten Legat's son gets drunk on a lot of alcohol, then he makes a few successes with the candidates. “I'm very horny, it's dangerous. If I win – escort, hookers, full throttle! I'm in the Champions League,” says Nico Legat in the TV format. In an individual interview, he also says: “The girls are very interesting. So I have to say: Chiara, Kim Virginia, Sandra… They should all sleep next to me.

Thorsten Legat: “Nico has distanced himself and doesn't want to know more about us”

Nico Legati's parents are shocked by their son's behavior. Former professional soccer player Thorsten Legat already made it clear on his Instagram channel: “We distance ourselves from everything that comes up. This is not the handwriting of Thorsten Legat and Alexandra. No reasonable values, behaves badly. (…) His behavior is antisocial, childish, stupid and stupid! (…) We have nothing to do with this! As parents, we are deeply disappointed and ashamed of it!” Thorsten Legat further describes his son's behavior as “disgusting”.

On Friday, Thorsten Legat followed up in an interview with “Bild” and chose drastic words: “Nico has distanced himself and doesn't want to know anything about us anymore. He probably lives a better life. I don't want to say what original sounds he made because they are hurtful. It makes me cry .We will never forgive him for what he did to his mother and me.

26-year-old Nico Lega has recently been criticized for his behavior in RTL's “Temptation Island” format. After cheating on his girlfriend on a TV show, he then had sex with another woman. After the campaign, Nico Legat received a lot of hate online. He certainly cannot polish his image in the show “Prominent Separate”.