The perfect dinner: Vegan Tabea delights with animal surprises

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On the third day of Munich Dinner Week, Caro (31) serves Bavarian-Asian fusion. Several culinary highlights await your guests.

As old photos illustrate, Caro showed her enthusiasm for cooking at the age of two. As a real resident of Munich, he and his family are of course fans of the Bundesliga: “My father used to play football for the Sixty team. He still loves to tell his stories.” His sports kinship is also reflected in his ambitions, because as an athlete he tries to triumph at the “perfect dinner”. Vegan Tabea's participation hardly bothered the supply chain manager: “I didn't deviate from my plan, I adjusted it.”

Menu idea: “Bavarians are often very traditional” and Caro wants to give it an Asian touch. There is:

  • Starter: pumpkin/prawns
  • Main course: veal cheek / napkin dumplings / carrot kimchi
  • Dessert: mousse / mango / rice

“Napkin dumplings and carrot kimchi? “It makes my heart laugh,” smiles Tabea (28), full of anticipation, because Asian stuff reminds him of his semester abroad in South Korea. Leo (38) is surprised: “Komblus sounds very funny.” He's especially looking forward to the veal cheek: “It's a real flavor bomb, the flavor bomb of the century when it works.”

Everyone immediately feels welcome: “He was really happy”

It takes some time for guests to reach the top because Caro lives on the 5th floor of an old building in Haidhausen. The hostess warmly greets the panting troops. “I really feel like this is a family,” says Rosi (57), who immediately feels at home. Tabea also liked the reception: “He was really happy.”

Fortunately, Caro didn't listen to her mother when it came to pumpkin soup and ginger soup, who suggested adding more spice in the morning. The guests really liked the soup and the tempura panko shrimp. “Pumpkin has a sensational taste,” says Rosi. “Very well seasoned,” agrees Tabea, who gets vegan enoki mushrooms as a side dish.

“Meat and the meat industry, it's really in our blood”

Caro's grandparents once owned a butcher shop, so she knows a lot about veal cheeks: “Meat and butcher work, it's really in our blood.” For Tabea, there are meat patties made from vegan minced meat. Caro takes the stewed dish out of the oven and pokes her cheeks with satisfaction: “They are super soft like butter. Perfect!” At the same time, the guests taste napkin dumplings: which ones are vegan and which ones are not? “It wasn't a clear result,” says Kersten (29), noting that everyone guessed a different dumpling.

“You really put in a lot of effort,” Tabea has to thank the team anyway, because as a vegan, she was really just waiting for extras. “I felt a little guilty because I thought I was a burden too.”

Tabea thinks: “It was a real table today.”

“The meat is great, that's how it should be,” Rosi's tender cheeks are happy. Leo also thinks, “Meat is great.” Kimchi fan Tabea gets her money's worth: “For me, the main dish was the highlight. I was really happy.” In short: “A 12/10″. Tabea is even more delighted with Carlito, the guinea pig in her arms, whom Caro briefly takes out of the cage. “It was a real highlight for me,” says Tabea. “My heart is literally ten sizes bigger now. “

To ensure that the white chocolate mousse remains vegan as Tabea's dessert, Caro uses aquafaba instead of egg whites. “The mousse was too runny for me,” says Rosi, who thinks that the egg substitute is not quite suitable. Leo nods, “No wow factor.”

Tabea still scored nine points: “It was a real game today.” With 35 points, Caro initially leads the week.

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The original of this article “Vegan Tabea thrilled by animal surprise” is from Teleschau.

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