Indians, Eskimos, Gypsies: anyone hoping that WDR would give non-carnivalists a last-minute explanation of which costumes were no longer under the charming title “Shit dressed up” this year were sorely disappointed. Actually, “dressing like shit” has nothing to do with it. Or at least only indirectly. Because behind the title of the late-night show is actually the carnival hit Köbes Underground, whose singer in a white bunny costume visually lengthens the song.

In a whopping 1.5 hours, WDR put together what it claims are “Stunksession's funniest carnival numbers” under “Shit Disguised” to highlight four decades of Stunksession – a sort of pressure tank for anyone looking to get in the mood quickly before Rose Monday. Or a 90-minute confirmation for those who would like to hit the “Fast Forward” button for concentrated carnival fun in the coming days.

Hipster to hopster in a joke

Here's a little help for non-Rheinians and other minorities: Stunksession is a supposed anti-carnival principle invented by Cologne students 40 years ago as a counter program to the traditional ceremonial gatherings in the Rhineland from November 11 to Ash Wednesday. . Carnivalists have always been the best at the task at hand.

It's entirely possible that the stinkers are extremely funny live and in color. Unfortunately, this is not the case for the best version of the night. The supposedly “funniest carnival numbers” were cut together extremely carelessly and strung together pointlessly. Humor? It's probably only tolerable out of five Kölsch, right. Want a joke? “I accidentally stepped on a hipster's foot. Now he jumps.” Great squeal in the hall, wait, march out.

Most of the jokes that were still running in 2011 or 2013 or 2018 have lost their bite due to the ravages of time. For example, the construction of the Rhine boulevard in Köln-Deutz or the central mosque – all yesterday's excitement that non-Cologne residents no longer remember. Excerpts from a 2011 meeting where Bruno Schmitz, as Bishop Walter Mixa, spoke bitterly about Pope Benedict XVI. Herzog, off the air after criticism from the Catholic Church, was rescued by WDR in 2024 to be safe.

Fear of “motivational background people”.

Only some mermaids are still funny if you repeat them. For example, when there is a humorous discussion on stage about the many Swabians who crossed Cologne at the carnival: there is no room for so many “people with a motivational background”. And anyway: if Papa Smurf is let in, next will be the Smurfettes by way of family reunification, then maybe Craft Smurf – and one day it won't be called Köln-Höhenhaus, but Schlumpfhausen.

By the way, Stunksession 2024 started with a deep fake video greeting from Chancellor Olaf Scholz: “Congratulations on 40 years of Stunksession, of which I am the biggest fan myself.” He has been going there regularly since 1984, “and if I personally intervene in it “I laughed for the first time on February 3, 2016.” He is followed by Angela Merkel, who reports on Uckermark with a “triple tat” and does not want to apologize for it, duration 40 .the smelly session has been extended to 80 years: “A strong Germany must also cope with the cheerfulness of the Rhine. We can do it!” Your word to the ears of the rest of Germany.