“Hartz und cordial” has been running on RTLZWEI for several years. A social documentary about the lives of people who receive social benefits and have to manage with very little money. One resident has now published the fee.

“Hartz und Herzen” is about people who receive civic benefits from the job center and live in socially disadvantaged areas such as Mannheim, Rostock or Magdeburg. The troubled lives of the main characters are accompanied by a camera crew, often characterized by problems or poverty.

Typically, residents are on camera for months – a long time – for a social documentary. This begs the question: Do the stars of “Hartz and Hearty” actually make money? After all, many of them receive citizen money – and any income should be taken into account.

The stars of “Hartz and Kindred” don't get a dime at all

The TV favorite has now revealed how much the “Hartz and Warmth” candidates actually get. And not a penny. They wouldn't get any other benefits either. A fan asked “Hartz and hearty” Jack on Instagram: “Do you actually get paid to be on “Hartz and hearty”?” The protagonist's clear answer is “No.” There are also no donations or vouchers. “I didn't get any vouchers for participating in 'Hartz und Herzen,'” Jack continued. “We get nothing for our participation!” the Rostock resident reveals.

Then the fans want to know why they participate in “Hartz and Warm” at all. “I'm happy. I also got a lot of compliments,” said the main character of the social documentary. Elvis, who lives in the Benz barracks in Mannheim, also confirmed: “These are the kinds of things that make people think we're making millions here. We're not making anything! We're just doing it voluntarily, because we love to do it.

The reason: Any income would count

It would make little sense for candidates to pay compensation. Because if these funds were received, the wages of the job center would decrease. This means that there will be a shortage of money elsewhere, and in the end the residents would have the same amount available every month. Getting paid by a broadcaster would certainly not be an advantage.

This is how the shooting day goes in the program “Hartz and warm”

At that time, Elvis also talked on Facebook about how a shooting day in “Hartz und Herzen” passes. “If they come at 7 in the morning and find me snoring in bed, they're there […] They come as they come. There are no plans for this and that's it for us. “Nothing is set,” he revealed on the social network. And further: “There is no plan: “The cameraman will come at this time tomorrow”. No, the cameramen will come when they come and catch us in the act. Nothing is set according to a plan or a script.” “Hartz und cordial” appears every day at 16:05 on the RTLZWEI channel.