The carnival season is not over yet, and the festivities continue into the weekend. There are many programs in the program of TV stations that aim to create a good atmosphere.

Carnival at WDR on Saturday

On Saturday, WDR will show “Hoppeditz and the Billy Goat” from 7:45 a.m. and immediately after (8:30 a.m.) the portrait “Jacques Tilly – Scary Child of the Carnival”: The caricaturist builds a political theme, motif figures float. From Düsseldorf Carnival. After that, there are two more portraits: “Marita Köllner – E kölsch Mädche” (9:30 am) and “Ludwig Sebus – Suur Seigneur in Cologne Carnival” (10:15 am).

“Congratulations Guido Cantz: 30 years of carnival!” starts at 1 p.m. The guests are Peter Raddatz (“Dä Mann met dem Hötche”), Willibert Pauels (deacon and speaker) and Janine Kunze (actor and presenter). In the evening, the programs “Düsseldorf Helau 2024 – 'Wat et nit all jöwt…'” (20.15) and “Westfalen haut auf die Pauke” (23.15) will cheer you up.

Broadcasts about the carnival on HR and SWR

“Hessen sings in Fassenacht” is broadcast on Hessischer Rundfunk (HR) on Saturday from 11:00. In the evening, HR shows “Northern Hesse celebrates the carnival 2024” (20.15) and “Northern Hesse celebrates the carnival – the best!” (22:45). In the evening, there are also carnival programs: “Johannes Scherer – his best hand-made calls” from 12:15 and “Hessian dances in Fassenacht – the most spectacular shows” from 1:45.

SWR also dedicates its evening program to the carnival. From 8:15 p.m., the carnival program “Alleh hopp” is broadcast here, followed by the program “Mumbach Mumbach offenderä” (11:20 p.m.). Finally, starting at 1:40, “The Best of Alleh hopp!” is scheduled.

TV stations will show it on Sunday

On Sundays, WDR also has numerous carnival-themed programs:

  • 8:30: Carnival Classic
  • 10:00: Large check: Marc Metzger “Dä Blötschkopp”
  • 11:00: Superjeile Zick – Carnival songs of my life
  • 12:30 p.m.: Cologne School and Veedelszöch 2024
  • 3:30 p.m.: You egg! – Best of Colonia duet
  • 16:15: Happy birthday Blötschkopp: Marc Metzger turns 50.
  • 17:40: You egg!
  • 17:55: One heart and one soul – Rose Monday procession
  • 20:15: Volker Weininger – Chairman of the meeting: “Solo!”
  • 22:45: “Shit dressed up” – the funniest carnival numbers of the stink session
  • 00:15: The most beautiful songs from the stink session
  • 2:15: Against the animal seriousness of 2024

SWR also has many carnival programs on Sunday:

  • 8.00am: Carnival in the southwest
  • 11:00 a.m.: Carnival enchantment
  • 12:30 p.m.: Mainz's best remains Mainz as it sings and laughs 2001-2020
  • 14:50: Meenzer confetti
  • 20:15: Baden-Palatinate Carnival from Frankenthal
  • 00:40: Konstanz carnival from the council

Of course, the Hessischer Rundfunk broadcasts about the carnival should not be left out:

  • 6:15: The best of the North Hessen Carnival
  • 10:15: Hesse laughs at Fassenacht – the best of Bütti
  • 11:45: Hessian dances in Fassenacht – the most spectacular shows
  • 13:15: Grand Frankfurt Carnival Procession
  • 16:30: Hessian Women's Carnival 2024
  • 20:15: Jürgen Leber – his best prepared speeches

Last but not least, on Sunday Bayerischer Rundfunk also has the program “Fastnacht in Franconia – young and foolish” (18:45).