Cooking show: Disgusting wake-up call at the “perfect dinner”: guests are scared by a “giant spider”

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In fact, it was supposed to be a culinary walk along the Way of St. James. But host Fabienne suffered a variety of cooking injuries – and an uninvited eight-legged visit to the table – on Day 2 of The Perfect Dinner (VOX) in Stuttgart instead of mental reflection.

“I actually have ties to four countries,” says Fabienne, 55, a hobbyist: the daughter of a Hungarian and North Hispanic immigrant to Argentina, she lives with her partner (“We met through a darts app”) and a 17-year-old. -year-old daughter of a manga lover in Stuttgart “For me, it's rustic, boom and bang,” describes the direction the Spanish enthusiast from Swabia wants to take his dinner. But also a bit sacred: the executive assistant dedicates his menu thematically to different stations of the Spanish Way of St. James. She's never left him before: “It wouldn't be cathartic for me because I'd swear too much.”

Moto: Camino del norte – Bilbao via Oviedo to Santiago de Compostela

  • Appetizer: Pinxos – Basque tapas
  • Main course: Cerdo a la sidra asturiana – Iberico pork Astrui style
  • Dessert: Tarta de Santiago con aromas de España – cake from Santiago de Compostela with Spanish flavors

“Otherwise everything would taste too light for me”

When it comes to making it, however, his hands-on nature – according to Thomas, 50, “very communicative, but with hands and feet” – is his downfall: when Fabienne wants to turn a tortilla in a pan for tapas, he boldly joins in. bottom of the pan and burns it on both hands. “Now I understand that you need thumbs all the time,” he tries to handle the blisters with humor. Regardless of the injury, delicious snacks of Serrano ham, refried beans, pepper salsa, shrimp and aioli remain. “It's nice, but something homemade would have been appropriate,” comments Sabrina (35), and for Thomas, “Pinxos” are simply “sandwiches”.

As is customary in Spanish cuisine, there is still a hearty, iberico pig, which is kept and fed “stress-free” (Fabienne). Garlic radicchio, mashed potatoes and apple slices are added. Laura (27) especially likes radicchio: “Otherwise everything would taste too light for me.”

“He does well with all the plants there”

A guest on four legs provides the necessary vivacity: After the starter, Sabrina discovers a small spider on Christoph's (45) shoulder. “No, huge!” Sabrina says horrified. After a little fussing, Laura carries the gourmand to Fabienne's balcony: “He does well with all the plants there.”

Injured, pest-infested, but happy with herself, Fabienne can expect a whopping 33 points, matching her predecessor Laura. And fondly remembers his Spanish father: “He would now have a proudly swollen chest.”

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This article, “Disgust at 'perfect dinner': Guests terrified by 'giant spider'”” was originally from Teleschau.

TV show