The diet of her Labradoodle Marley is especially important to Ursula Karven. He has been eating vegan food for years and has transferred his eating style to a brown dog. No meat for the dog? Many dog ​​owners cry out loud. However, for the actress, a plant-based dog diet only brings benefits, as she reveals to RTL.

Ursula and Marley are inseparable and have been a close team for years. The nine-year-old dog had normal food for the first six years of his life, but Karven has been on a meat-free dog diet for the last three years. The 59-year-old is aware that this may attract criticism, but her own vegan diet has nothing to do with her decision to feed plant-based animals. “It didn't make sense at all, since the owner is vegan, the dog must also be vegan. I didn't do it that way.” Marley's decision was blamed on a health problem; the female dog had “too much stomach acid.” So she came up with a vegan diet to soothe her dog's sensitive stomach.

“He loves all vegetables and fruits”

Suddenly, Ursula Karven discovered even more positive effects on her Labradoodle, who “no longer had bad breath.” “Well, dogs really have bad breath – nothing more and the fur smells good, unfortunately the actress can't make vegan dog food herself, but there are meat-free alternatives in a can for the faithful four.” -legged friends. “Of course I always give him my stuff when I'm doing something.” Marley is particularly fond of raw food, “she loves all vegetables and fruits.” . “You can also buy great wet food and that comes at a price.”

Marley the dog takes supplements

He also explains to RTL that the critics were very restrained and managed to convince everyone who was allowed to pet Marley. “Everyone who pets Marley or talks to him just notices how good the dog smells and asks if that's the reason. And of course it's because these fermentation processes don't come out through your breath.” However, it does not fully function without supplements, and just like the owner, Marley is also given vitamin B. “Supplements in food morning and taurine, that kind of thing “It’s the protein that dogs need.” years old and runs faster than many people their age.

In this article, “Feeding a Dog Vegan? Ursula Karven sees only positive effects” original from