EAn integral part of heart papers are advertisements for pharmaceutical products, which are usually simply designed and sometimes contain questionable claims. We discovered such a double page in “Uues Lehi” this week, where the supposed miracle medicine krill capsules are advertised. Then there is a text with the words “Apotheg's good advice” with a photo of a blonde woman in a white coat, who remains anonymous. Finally, “Apothecary” is authority enough, it doesn't need another name.

Jörg Thomann

Editor of the “Life” section of Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung.

However, the other blonde woman interviewed here has a name: Tina Sampalis is introduced as a scientist and as “all over the world a Krill Expert”. Not being krill-savvy, we googled the name and found pages identifying him as an employee of a Canadian pharmaceutical company — as well as an obituary page in a Canadian newspaper that said Sampalis died four years ago. Our deepest sympathies – but if this is true, should the ad be reviewed? And what can be concluded from this about the seriousness of the product?

Juvenile free for parents

According to “Bild”, the parents of “Bridgerton” actress Nicola Coughlan, who has an “unusual sex clause” in her contract, do not know the whole truth: “For her strict Catholic parents, she will get an adult version in which there is explicit sex – the scenes of her daughter were removed. I wonder if there are “Tatort” detectives who present their cases to their sensitive relatives without murder, or if the “Fack Ju Göhte” group showed their loved ones a short film version without curses. Or some porn actresses deceive their families into a completely normal movie career. With works that all end rather abruptly, namely always at a point where one of the main characters asks the other if he is so hot right now.

This text is from the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung.

With that in mind, let's first dwell on the line Victoria Beckham said on 'Gala': “After 25 years, David is showing me his worm” – damn late, we think, especially since the couple have four children. But then we read on and learn that she used those words to comment on “one of her husband's breakdancing routines”; Learned something again.

Has become soft and sensitive: Josef Ackermann

Has become soft and sensitive: Josef Ackermann

Image: Stefan Boness

“How much compromise is good for a partnership?” asks the “Bunte” celebrities. Of course, actress Tina Ruland thinks, “I shouldn't always be the one who compromises,” and she's definitely right: two people should compromise. His apparently well-read colleague Nick Wilder also answers. “I have a quote from Rainer Maria Rilke that I find apt: 'A good marriage is one in which each appoints the other as guardian of their solitude and shows them the greatest trust they have to give.'” Great quote. , Rilke. To be honest, it just doesn't fit the concept of compromise. Next time, Rilke should deal more closely with the “colorful” question.

“Günther is the greatest under the sun”

Franz Josef Wagner, the uncle of the “Bild” letter, meanwhile addresses the “dear Heidenheimers”, whose football team recently defeated FC Bayern, and writes about Harry Kane: “He is worth 100 million. Have you Heidenheimers ever seen a creature whose body every centimeter is worth a million?” If we checked correctly, Harry Kane would be exactly one meter tall according to Wagner's calculations. Amazing that he still scores so many goals.

Josef Ackermann, who is well-informed by millions, also praises his wife in the “Bunte” interview: “She has made me softer and more sensitive to people who are not so efficient.” This already shows how soft and sensitive he is now the sentence. In the past, he would have put it this way: “Now I can handle even complete failures.”

When you invite him over, he brings scented candles: Marcel Reif.

When you invite him over, he brings scented candles: Marcel Reif.

Image: dpa

Marcel Reif also talked about financial matters in the podcast, as reported by “Das goldene Blatt”. He said of his old friend Günther Jauch: “Günther is the biggest miser under the sun, he has a hedgehog in his pocket.” He still visits Jauch regularly, says Reif: “As appropriate, I always bring him and his lovely wife Thea something: a scented candle or trinkets. It is appropriate for me to be invited.” Scented candles, tricks? Could it be, Mr. Reif, that you also have a little hedgehog in your bag?

In this context, a quote by Rainer Maria Rilke comes to mind: “Perhaps all the dragons in our lives are princesses just waiting to see us beautiful and brave.” Sounds nice though, right?