First Dates Hotel: “Not such a jerk” – the candidate has clear ideas about the man of her dreams

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A man 'with balls in his pants and not a slob': Anna knew exactly what she wanted on 'First Dates Hotel' – and clearly met the right candidate.

On “First Dates Hotel,” host Roland Trettl looked for what dating partners Anna and Florian have in common on VOX's “First Dates Hotel.” He noted that they both liked wine and tattoos and added with a wink, “And sex?” While others might have reacted with embarrassment, the nimble painter was not deterred.

“If he's a good kisser, I'd take him.” The 31-year-old had already made it clear in advance. When Florian said he had tattoos on his chest and stomach, Anna simply said, “Take off your clothes!”

It was (still) too bold for the 33-year-old. After all, there is a “bit of etiquette” to follow. Although she wasn't quite as forthright as Anna in her visual assessment of her colleague (“I can't say sexy until I've seen her naked”), she at least let the camera crew know: “It's delicious! Nice curves, I like them.” But Düren's soldier was not offended.When Anna suggested that he “could have this as a main course,” Florian pointed teasingly at her food on the plate: “There's your meat.”

Two dating partners on equal terms, which pleased both Anna and Florian. “He says what he means. “I found that impressive,” he said happily, later admitting in astonishment, “I've never been on a date with a woman like you before.” Because Anna also found the date—including dessert on a pool bed—to be “super cool” and he had no problem with whether it was Florian's job (“Man in uniform – holy shit”), both set up a second date.

“Thank God, he looks good!”: Stephan rages at former DSDS candidate Fatih

There was also a spark with Stephan, the bird of paradise, and Fatih, who calls himself an “adventurer”. First, Stephan needed help from Aylin, the front desk clerk, because he couldn't get rid of his mustard-colored polo shirt despite several attempts. “Embarrassing, of course,” sighed the man from Stuttgart. The meeting with former DSDS candidate Fatih was much more pleasant. “Thank God, he looks good!” Stephan said, also commenting on his appearance.

Deep gazes, lots of laughing together and endless topics of conversation characterized Stephan and Fatih's dinner. Fatih was relieved that the first had no problems with the pansexuality of the 29-year-old man (“Turn the binomials, the heart must fit”). So nothing stood in the way of a second date, before which Stephan admitted he was “tingling a bit”. Body painting by the pool also provided an opportunity to get physically closer. “Now I see you naked for the first time. “I'll have to watch it later,” Stephan joked.

But according to Fatih, the touch felt great. The two even talked about family planning, which was especially important to Fatih. Here, too, everyone agreed, which Stephan said: “There couldn't have been a better conversation partner.” This commonality also remained in Germany, where Stephan and Fatih continued to date each other.

Peter and Manuela lacked the decisive spark

Things also remain exciting for Peter and Manuela – although neither has been lucky with their dates. Although Britta called the dinner with Peter “great enrichment”, the essential spark was missing and this prevented a second date. Meanwhile, Manuela went to dinner with Hans-Jürgen. The fit 72-year-old had previously made host Roland Trettel look old in a slight push-up duel, but unfortunately he wasn't Manuela's type in the end.

But a blessing in disguise: during a late-night drink at the hotel bar, Peter and Manuela found a lot in common when they met by chance. “I think it's really great,” Manuela beamed when the waitress asked. Peter felt the same way, so he gave the 61-year-old his number. “Time was running out, we didn't even notice,” said Peter, describing the encounter. The next episode of “First Dates Hotel” will reveal if there is still a spark between the two.

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The original of this article “”Not that kind of sister” – the candidate has clear ideas about the man of her dreams” is from Teleschau.

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