ZDF junk show: “Put on your glasses”: “Money for rare” dealers mock unsuspecting colleagues

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Instead of 'Eifeltis' expertise: Ignorant comment earns 'Cash for the Rare' dealer colleagues a scolding, but it didn't take long for revenge to arrive…

Even Horst Lichter immediately recognized the “interesting design” of the antique trailer on ZDF's junk show “Bares für Rares” on Monday. Wendela Horz was also full of praise. Only one dealer had apparently forgotten his glasses and delivered the so-called, instead of professional knowledge. of Eifel.

Gaby and Roland from Eckental received the pendant from a good family friend. As it has never been worn, it should be sold now. Wendela Horz thought the design resembled an angel – with wings and a halo. But I guessed wrong: a silver unforgettable was placed on a three-course tray. Due to the craftsmanship of the ajourn sawing, an expert assumed it was made in the 1870s. “It was the big time of the cult of memory in the 19th century,” explained Horz.

The high price of the expertise leaves the sales couple stunned

Back then, jewelry was not only given as a romantic gesture, but also in friendships or within the family. “It was worn to remember loved ones,” the expert explained. The back of the trailer also talked about it. The small disk once used to secure a picture or lock of hair was missing. The commemorative jewelry was made of “very, very fine” 585 red gold with 19 silver semi-pearls on the flower, enthused the expert.

Even the original loop of the pendant was still there and proved: “The piece was a pleasure to wear.” This was visible from the two grooves the chain had rubbed into the loop. The seller had previously thought the dimples were part of the design. But according to Horz, it should definitely be fixed, “otherwise the loop or maybe the entire trailer will be lost at some point.” Considering the age, the condition was still good, even if two small pearls were missing.

The sellers wanted 200 euros for the old trailer. Horz, an expert, estimated the value higher because “a beautiful piece can be restored very well.” He estimated its value at 350-400 euros. The high price of the expertise amazed the sales couple. They probably didn't expect that…

'Oh stop it': 'Money for the rare' dealer gets laughs

The antiques were also well received in the dealer's room. “Wow, she's beautiful,” Elke Velten marveled. Wolfgang Pauritsch added: “And old.” After the praise, Walter Lehnertz reached out to see the masterpiece for himself. Then it was Pauritsch's turn to take a closer look at the trailer. “It's all cut out by hand and covered with seed beads, it's incredible,” she enthused. Lehnertz paused and allowed himself a joke: “As an old goldsmith, I put a lot of effort into this.”

Lehnertz then set an example, bidding 80 euros and immediately outbidding himself with 280 euros. After offers from Velten and Pauritsch, Lehnertz rose to 380 euros. But then Markus Wildhagen came and offered 400 euros – and Velten also offered 420 euros. “Shall I see again,” asked Lehnertz irritably, for “there are no pearls.”

“Of course,” it whispered across the room. “They're more deeply embedded,” David Suppes tried to help him. “Oh, stop it, Waldi, and put your glasses on,” laughed Wildhagen. Pauritsch couldn't resist a malicious comment: “Well, Elke does Expertise and Waldi does 'Eifeltisen.'” Wildhagen, however, nearly choked with laughter. “'Eifeltisen,' I love it,” he coughed. “That's what happens when people make fun of me ,” Lehnertz replied with a cough and preferred to return the pendant to Elke Velten. The latter won her final bid of 420 euros. Lehnertz admitted, “Elke can also reinstall the two missing beads better.”

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The original article “Put on your glasses: 'Money for the rare' dealers mock unsuspecting colleagues” is from Teleschau.

TV show